Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Experimenting before MA interim show

Before I move on for my experiment, I found a readymade object which been given from my friend Charlotte. She gave me a small door which she found from the skip of her neighbour’s house. However, I was amaze by the shape of the door and I was planning to make it as part of my installation work using this little door (as you can see below). I painted one of the door surface into black colour. I was trying to relate two different reality which mean, The ‘White’ colour represent the past which we perceive and then the ‘Black’ colour I choose it as the present. However the door, I made it sort of like a starting point of two realities.

space that given for the MA interim show for my work

However, this work is just a spontaneous minimal conceptual art work or maybe experiment that I did back in the studio. I tried to apply with the ‘MATA’ installation to see how its looks like because as I mention above, I made this door as a point of where two realities meet.

Below you can see the spontaneous experiment that I made using this door with my previous installation.

Starting point of the cycle (white door)and the result of the cycle (Black Door)

Closer view of the projection

Here as you can see I made an experiment, combining my previous work with this little black and white door. I do the same thing what I made at the first place on the previous work but with this door, I just subtitute the wall where I used to project into this Little door because at the front surface, White colour, it will be the starting point of the cycle and the behind of this door, will be the result of the projection. You can see more the pictures below.

Basically this just a spontaneous experiment combining of the readymade object (the little black and white door) with the readymade technology. At first, I was more focusing and interested with the cycle of this installation but it was hard to connect the subject of what I really want especially the material that I used, the wooden door and also the installation. But in this case, It is actually does not connect at all especially, the colour of the door or the medium it self with the projection. It was totally trial and error concept. However it could be a metaphor for the subject that I made especially displacing into two realities which are the white and black space. I agree with what my tutor said to me that the wood as itself, is part of the construction house which means using the modern technology equipment such as the projector and also the old scrap little door, it just didnt make sense or connection relating the concept and the actual work but in other perspective, when he said that ‘it part of the construction’ – it give me thinking of the way how our own mind creates our own privacy world which most probably the way we preceive and we use our mind as architecture to creates our own subjective world.

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