Friday, 12 August 2011

Preview from Degree show

I started by continuing my work from my degree show (2010), ‘the cardboard boxes world’.

‘The cardboard boxes world’, in the Winchester School of art, Sculpture department

Basically the idea of creating this installation was came from the idea of living as a homeless person, living inside a big world without enough needs. Here in this project, myself as a traveler, I am trying to connect two realities which are myself as a homelessness (through my subjective emotion but also the reality that I am facing on, reality as reality. Actually, it is all about looking the reality in different way especially through the emotion because sometimes, I felt that I am living inside the cardboard boxes. Everyday I had to struggle finding my way and feeling suffered when I am not in my comfort zone such as trying to know new surrounding. Somehow it just a 'feeling' of being homeless-ness, being far from home, no parent, and have to survive independently. It sort of like living inside the cardboard box prison dealing with suffering and patience.

However in this work, I am connecting two rooms in one container like, as to connect the two reality that I been through; reality as a home but also reality as a prisoner or I can say homeless, being watch all day. The container represent sort of like a moment or places to hide out from actual reality. 

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