Saturday, 13 August 2011

Result from my previous work - The Beginning journey of my work

Started with the idea of 'Displacement'

When I was inside my installation, I was sitting there looking the surrounding of the interior. Looking from the inside to outside space. It was sort of like a cave, seeing the light through the entrance and the exit. However, when I was there I found this moment (as you can see the image above), I was feeling sort of displacement, shifting my self from somewhere darkness but looking the actual reality through this gap. It give me a sense of being inside a darkness is same sort of like you were stuck in a moment of feeling such as shy, hiding from everyone. Blending into the uncanny world like Alice wonderland.

From that perspective, I got a picture or idea for what I am doing next. Basically it is trying to improvised more the word ‘shifting’ or ‘displace’ of myself into other medium. During the experimentation and also the process of this installation, I found a really interesting Photography from this installation. 


'The Uncanny Corridor' - Entrance and Exit

During the process of this installation, I was coincidencely took this images and found out really interesting relating with my concept of displacment. With this images, it look sort of like a space inside a dark cave. Finding the way out or navigating to find the exit. It pulls the viewer to get into the picture and looking into the darkness and shifting the audience into this corridor cave.

However, from other point of view, between  this images, it also looks like a key hole for the door especially the images above. Perhaps people thought it was taken through the actual key hole. It also came with the idea of human body part especially women vagina which leads through the holes and comes out as a baby birth. As you know that this uncanny corridor, at the edges bit before exit, it getting tighter and difficulty to get out. It also reminds me of human intestine, giving the pathway for the human waste to go out through the anus. Somehow on the second image as well, it looks like human ears hole.

With this photograph, It gives me an idea of shifting or displacing the audience through photograph or vision especially the eyes. As you know, our daily life since we were born until now, we are looking the reality through the way of seeing things or we can say it a perception of life. All we experience from the past untill present, we kept it into our memory starting from our eyes as camera to capture everything and store it into our brain as memory. 

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